HUD Financial Statement Audit, Review, and Compilation

Ensure compliance and reduce audit costs with specialized HUD-assisted housing expertise.

HUD program benefits and audit challenges

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a government agency tasked with helping individuals and families access affordable housing. Many types of entities participate in HUD affordable housing initiatives, including public housing agencies, multi-family housing, nonprofits, grant recipients, lenders, and mortgage providers.

While HUD programs provide opportunities for tax-exempt financing, tax credits, and other financial benefits, compliance with many regulatory obligations must be met by participating entities. A third-party certified public accounting firm typically performs HUD audits to help ensure compliance with regulations, proper use of funds, and effective program management.

Given the complexity of HUD regulations, documentation requirements, operational disruptions, time-consuming processes, and technical challenges, the HUD audit process can be arduous for many entities. Not to mention the costs typically associated with HUD financial audits.

HUD-assisted housing programs help more than 1.2 million households in the United States. As a participant in HUD programs, your organization is making an impact on those who need access to affordable housing. Thank you.

A better approach to HUD audits: exceptional quality with less stress and lower costs

The CJ Group’s approach to HUD audits and reviews helps clients meet complex compliance requirements without the stress typically associated with the HUD audit process. And we’ve saved many organizations up to 30% on the professional fees they pay for a HUD compliance financial audit.

How do we do it? The CJ Group fuses a meticulous blend of talent, processes, and technology to create smoother audit experiences, quality outcomes, and reduced costs. Here’s more:

The CJ Group has extensive experience in all areas of the real estate industry, including HUD-assisted housing projects developed by non-profit and for-profit entities, public housing project owners and management agencies, and lenders and mortgage providers. Our HUD professional auditors are experienced, efficient, and always looking for ways to enhance our value to HUD audit clients.

With years of experience in assisted housing and HUD financial reporting, The CJ Group has established quality control programs, integrated best practices, and finely-tuned auditing processes that reduce time, increase efficiencies, improve documentation quality, enhance coordination, and eliminate avoidable costs.

The CJ Group leverages cutting-edge technology and cloud-based software designed to be compatible with HUD reporting requirements. Our advanced system reduces the complexity of HUD documentation requirements, reduces rejections and consequential penalties, and increases the quality and confidence in HUD financial audit reporting.

In addition to deep HUD and real estate experience, The CJ teams also merit industry-leading expertise through active membership in the Affordable Housing Association of Certified Public Accountants (AHACPA) and the BKR Affordable Housing practice group. Our assisted-housing professionals stay current on the latest regulations and compliance requirements through HUD’s continued professional development.

How can we help you?

If your organization is looking for a better approach to HUD financial audits and review services, The CJ Group is your solution for smoother audit journeys, exceptional quality, and lower audit costs.

Our areas of expertise include:

Our HUD-assisted housing services include:

End the chaos. Reduce the stress. Lower your costs.

HUD audit and review services done right.

Let’s talk.


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