Posted on Jun 29, 2016

Safety First

“Safety First” should be your corporate mantra. Focusing on the safety of your products as you make them can help avoid complaints and litigation, give you a marketing edge and raise the bar for other manufacturers, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

10 Quick Manufacturing Safety Tips

1. Build safety into product design.

2. Test products for all foreseeable hazards.

3. Stay up to date on manufacturing safety developments.

4. Educate consumers about product safety.

5. Track and address your product’s safety performance.

6. Fully investigate safety incidents.

7. Report product defects promptly.

8. If a defect occurs, quickly start a recall.

9. Work with the Consumer Product Safety Commission on any recall.

10. Learn from your mistakes — and others.

The two companies took a proactive approach rather than waiting for an industry standard to address the problem. They developed a method to “pinch-proof” the hinged joints between the doors’ panels. Their leadership challenged other manufacturers to meet the same high standards.You don’t have to be a huge corporation to come up with safety innovations. For example, Martin Door Mfg., a small Salt Lake City firm, and Wayne-Dalton, a larger company in Mt. Hope, OH, were both confronted with a safety issue in the garage doors they made — a large number of crushed or amputated fingers were reported after using their products.

Taking the lead is the key to improving manufacturing safety. There are several steps you can take — even before a problem develops:

Investigate your customer base. Who will use your product? For example, will a ladder hold a 300-pound person painting a house? How about a 350-pound person? If the ladder could collapse under a certain amount of weight, warn the consumer.

Study how customers will use your product. Back to the ladder. Although it may be intended as a means to climb, some people are apt to use two ladders and a plank for makeshift scaffolding. Warn the consumer if a product isn’t safe when it is used in ways you didn’t intend.

Stay informed about product safety developments. For example, stronger materials may become available for the ladder.

Keep up with safety regulations, as well as safety precautions taken by other companies. When the garage door manufacturers realized they had a problem, there were no state or federal regulations regarding it. But both firms recognized that safety made good business sense.

Fully investigate reports of injuries and accidents. A problem could stem from unintended use, but it could also result from a manufacturing or design flaw. An inquiry can help you determine the cause, guide you toward fixing any defect, and let you know whether a product recall of the lot or the entire line is necessary. If a recall is needed, the Consumer Product and Safety Commission will work with you to ensure the plan is effective.

An added benefit: Consumers and the media tend to go easier on companies that police themselves and promptly deal with problems. The media can also get safety warnings out quickly, helping you to avoid future incidents and potential lawsuits.

Posted on Jun 17, 2016

MD Blog PicManufacturers may get an additional boost from a beneficial program that helps small and medium-sized companies.

The Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), a program run by the U.S. Department of Commerce, would be expanded and strengthened by the MEP Improvement Act. This legislation was recently introduced in Congress and is widely thought to have a good shot of enactment. If passed, the bipartisan act would:

  • Permanently adjust the federal MEP cost share to one-to-one,
  • Strengthen and clarify the review process MEP centers use,
  • Authorize centers to support the development of manufacturing-related apprenticeships, internships and industry-recognized certification programs,
  • Increase the program’s funding level to $260 million a year through 2020, and
  • Require the program to develop open-access resources describing best practices for small manufacturers.

Top Shelf Endorsements

The bill has been endorsed by some high-visibility entities, including:

  • Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
  • American Small Manufacturers Coalition
  • Alliance for American Manufacturing
  • Honda North America
  • Association for Manufacturing Technology
  • National Council for Advanced Manufacturing
  • Manufacturing Skill Standards Council.

MEP is built on a nationwide system of service centers that are partnerships between the federal government and a variety of public or private entities, including state, university and not-for-profit organizations.Since its inception in 1988, MEP has focused on strengthening the U.S. manufacturing sector. The program’s power lies in its partnerships. Through collaborations with federal, state and local entities, it puts manufacturers in position to develop products and customers, expand globally and adopt new technology.

Return on Investment

Although MEP’s strategic objective is to create value for all manufacturers, it concentrates on small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs). These account for nearly 99% of manufacturing firms in the United States.

The program has delivered a high return on investment (ROI) to taxpayers. For every dollar of federal investment, MEP generates $17 in new sales growth and $24 in new client investment, according to the program’s website.

MEP’s partnerships are expanding in response to rapidly changing global dynamics. The program has established relationships with diverse organizations. MEP centers also increasingly support government initiatives launched to strengthen U.S. manufacturing. Some of the program’s specific objectives are:

  • Educate local and regional partners on SME needs and causes of behavior,
  • Connect manufacturers to other programs and services offered by partner organization,
  • Identify firms that are interested in a particular technology, as well as informing information technology developers about manufacturer’s technology needs, and
  • Support workforce development programs.

Examples of Success

Here are two examples of how MEP has worked in action:

The exporter. One family-owned business in Wisconsin made standard products for metal fabricators and produced custom products, primarily for handrails. The organization exported some of its products and was able to increase export sales by connecting with the local MEP center and participating in three monthly training sessions, as well as coaching and assistance between the sessions.

Through this program, the exporter joined a group of noncompeting firms that worked together to create an exporting strategy to tap into new markets. The company was able to increase export sales 40% a year and expanded its reach from two to 16 countries.

The device maker. A North Carolina company designed and made high-performance radio frequency systems and solutions for applications that drive wireless and broadband communications. It enlisted the help of an MEP center to provide onsite training on Six Sigma and lean manufacturing principles. Participants were given real-world projects to continue working on after training was complete. The training helped management improve inventory controls and final product test efficiency, resulting in multi-million dollar cost savings.

Continued Challenges

Manufacturers face constant pressure to cut costs, improve quality, meet environmental and international standards, and “go to market” faster with new and improved products. At the same time, new opportunities are constantly beckoning.

As you try to keep pace with accelerating and emerging changes, consider taking advantage of the valuable resources MEP offers. If the MEP Improvement Act passes, the program’s role in the American manufacturing sector is likely to become even more critical.

Posted on Jun 7, 2016

conveyor line

It’s a build-to-order manufacturing environment and that means frequent changeovers in your production line. And each time you make changes to produce a new item, you suffer significant downtime. But there may be ways to shave time off those non-productive periods. These four suggestions have proven to buy manufacturers time and keep production lines efficient:

1. Measure setup time. It should be a key metric in batch-driven processes. If you’re not establishing goals and monitoring setup time, it can get away from you.

2. Mimic NASCAR. One company occasionally stops production to hold a contest, putting together “pit crews” to see who can set up a machine the fastest. The winning team’s time becomes the new goal. Winners get bragging rights.

3. Think Japanese. Manufacturers in Japan are known for their efficiency and ability to make quick changes. One of the techniques they use is Kaizen. Assemble a team that cuts across disciplines and spend three to five days tackling a process improvement problem. For example, one company had a team reconfigure work and storage areas. It reduced setup time from 6 hours to 40 minutes.

Several factors contribute to Kaizen success:

  • Holding the event elevates the problem to priority level.
  • Include people on the team who have no production experience, along with those who do. This improves the problem-solving process.
  • Follow the Kaizen event outline.
  • Set the expectation that the team will make a major achievement in a very short time.

4. Consider another Japanese method.Japanese industrial engineer Shigeo Shingo developed the “Single Minute Exchange of Dies” process for Toyota as an essential component of just-in-time manufacturing. He maintained that most approaches to reducing setup time limit their success by focusing on improving employee skills rather than on making changes in the process that lower the skills needed. Shingo describes how to implement SMED in his book, A Revolution in Manufacturing:

  • Analyze the production system thoroughly and the role setup plays in that system.
  • Study the internal setup, or those processes that can be carried out only when the machine is idle, for example, changing dies.
  • Study external setup, or those processes that can be carried out while the machine is running, such as transporting dies or checking availability of materials.
  • Determine how internal setup can be converted to external setup, thus streamlining the entire process.

Lean Material Stocking

Instead of trying to trim retooling time, try eliminating it with a lean material stocking system.

An established principle of time management is to handle each piece of paper just once. It’s rare to achieve that efficiency, but aiming for it makes you think about unnecessary steps. Applying that principle to parts and maintenance, compare these two scenarios of the typical route from delivery to production:

Before the lean method:

  • Shipment arrives.
  • Parts are stocked until needed for production.
  • Parts are assembled into kits and sent to production.
  • The parts are ready for production when needed.

After the lean method:

  • Shipment arrives.
  • Parts are sorted and sent to carts holding bins labeled for each part number.
  • When production is ready, the cart is moved to the job.

What the lean material stock system does:

  • Eliminates the labor-intensive steps of storing, locating and retrieving materials and assembling kits.
  • Provides visual inventory control, because by looking at a bin, you can see if a part is in short supply.
  • Offers just-in-time capabilities. Almost as soon as materials are received, they are ready to be used in production.

The best changeover is no changeover. Look at ways products can be redesigned to share more of the same parts. Moreover, if you’re running small batches of similar products, you might be able to avoid changeover by taking some processes offline.

Posted on Mar 4, 2016

manufacturing audit, R&D credit, icdisc, manufacturing tax credits, manufacturing dallas, manufacturing employment

In the past year, manufacturing employment in the Dallas/Fort Worth area has dropped by 2 percent. This statistic alone seems negative, but the overall outlook for manufacturing is trending positive with increased focus on innovation, simplified supply chains, diversification into customer-focused services and creativity with materials performance and fuel sourcing. It’s still a challenging industry, but this real or perceived lull in growth is the perfect time to assess the structure and vision of your company. Strengthen the basics with strategic planning to be ready for what’s next.

Strategic PlanningManufacturing Outlook

A slower year or two for revenue may be the opportune time to pursue a transfer of assets to the next generation. If earnings are down 15-20 percent, for example, savings on the transfer and estate tax can be significant if owners act now.

Also, if year-to-year revenue continues to be flat or even less than the previous year, your CPA can help you consider reporting an operating loss and cleaning up the books through carrybacks and refunds from years when revenue was higher.

Even if the company is in good financial health and sustaining a moderate profit, now may be a good time to revisit the company vision, your business model, your KPIs and your tools for tracking them. There are many more integrated solutions that tie the sales side of the house to supply chain, to production and all the way through to realization. Leaders should take time now to explore and demo these various management tools.

Manufacturing Tomorrow

Significant global growth in manufacturing is forecast mainly in Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. By 2025, it is expected that a new global consuming class will have emerged in these developing economies as wages rise and demands for more goods and services increase.

As these manufacturers mature, they will have to focus on reducing costs, appealing to a broader base of customers and finding more skilled workers. In the end, all manufacturers will have to respond faster to market shifts based more on a global pulse than what is happening in their backyards.

In established markets, customers are already dictating variation in products, after-sales customer care and advanced or more environmentally friendly materials. These buyers are doing the majority of research on their own, interacting with the producer only briefly, then hitting the submit button. If they have a bad experience, they report it on social media. Producers are serving increasingly knowledgeable customers who want it their way…or they will go somewhere else.

On the supply side, manufacturers will continue to deal with volatile resource prices and a shortage of highly skilled talent. Difficulty obtaining supplies, regulatory and labor risks and lack of public infrastructure will influence the location and relocation of production facilities.

All of these predictions point to the need for manufacturers to be tech-savvy and globally aware. Even if home base is Dallas/Fort Worth, the market is the world. Work with advisors who recognize this shift. Get your financial and strategic house in order to invest in tomorrow’s opportunities.

If you have any questions about how to add operational efficiencies, reduce taxes or plan for transfer of ownership in your manufacturing operation this year, talk to the manufacturing team at Cornwell Jackson.

GJ HeadshotGary Jackson, CPA, is the lead tax partner in the Cornwell Jackson’s business succession practice. Gary has built businesses, managed them, developed leadership teams and sold divisions of his business, and he utilizes this real world practical experience in both managing Cornwell Jackson and in providing consulting services to management teams and business leaders across North Texas.


Posted on Feb 17, 2016

manufacturing audit, R&D credit, icdisc, manufacturing tax credits, manufacturing dallas, manufacturing employment

Batten the Hatches

In times of uncertainty in the manufacturing industry, it’s natural to huddle up and think through strategies that protect the short-term while preparing for the long game. Companies will often turn to their advisors between waves of growth to review their operations and make sure they are taking every precaution and advantage.

There is always plenty to talk about in manufacturing. As stated in a previous Manufacturing Outlookarticle, the disruption of oil and gas and energy consumption has impacted companies in the region in direct revenue, but also in their relationships with related industries that rely on the oil and gas industry.

Some of the strategies we’ve seen manufacturers employ have included adjustments to work shifts and right-sizing. However, they are also looking at ways to reduce inventory, improve processes, look for tax breaks and even step up estate planning and succession. The following are areas of the manufacturing business that owners and management can review for savings and efficiency.

Tax Incentives/Deductions

Smaller manufacturers don’t always perceive a qualification for the politically popular R&D credit. They should take another look. Some companies have discovered areas defined as R&D under the tax law that fit them perfectly even if they don’t consider themselves innovative. For example, an improved or proprietary process can qualify even if you don’t have an on-site lab or clean room. Also, think about that customer who asked you to make a small adjustment to the machining of a part. If you engineered it, it may qualify as R&D.

When companies are busy, owners or management aren’t always aware of qualifying innovation happening on the production floor. Consult with your CPA to bring those opportunities to light so they are communicated to staff and recorded regularly.

Other tax reduction strategies can be found in how manufacturers handle personal property taxes. Old assets should be removed from the books when new assets are purchased. Some assets may be improperly classified, resulting in overpayment. Many types of “equipment” can be exempt. In addition, certain idle equipment due to lack of demand may also be factored to reduce the personal property tax.

Of course, bonus depreciation is another go-to tax provision. Manufacturers may qualify under fixed asset expensing or through the Domestic Production Activities Deduction (DPAD). This allows for an additional 9 percent deduction of the lesser of taxable income, or 9 percent of “qualified production activities income” (QPAI). QPAI is equal to the amount by which gross receipts from eligible manufacturing and production activities exceed related expenses.

Activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Manufacturing, production, growth or extraction of tangible personal property in the U.S.
  • Construction of real property in the U.S.
  • Performance of engineering or architectural services in the U.S. in connection with real property construction projects in the U.S.

A manufacturer may also qualify for additional tax rate reduction benefits under the interest-charge domestic international sales corporation (IC-DISC). This tax rate reduction is generated by creating a separate entity organized as a C-Corporation. The C-Corp is deemed to participate in the exporting process of the operating entity and earns a “commission.” That commission is paid by the operating entity, and it is an ordinary deduction, reducing ordinary income. Qualification for this type of tax reduction requires exploration of a manufacturer’s operation and sales chain as well as planning to set up the entity.

There are many other areas that manufacturers can explore with their CPA to improve their tax position.

Process Improvements for Manufacturing Operations

Manufacturers can look at various ways to improve efficiencies and reduce waste in the production line as well as save on utilities, maintenance and materials. In addition to integrated components and sensors to alert staff to potential breakdown, the design of production floors can improve workflow and move product out the door faster.

Manufacturers are also looking at simplifying the steps in each manufacturing process to speed production and make training and improvements easier later. Again, some of these may qualify for R&D, depending on the complexity of the changes and their impact on a particular product or the industry itself.

A lean process study and revamping of core processes could provide a double benefit of both improved profitability and production qualifications for the R&D credit.

Labor and Benefits

Texas-based manufacturers may experience more frequent inquiries by state and federal authorities regarding citizenship and fair labor practices.

Immigration and Customer Enforcement (ICE) will look at companies with a large workforce and ask for I-9s or proof of U.S. citizenship. If they find violations, they will give the owners a time period to comply or face fines. These inquiries and fines cause a disruption in business and unexpected costs. Manufacturers need to take a careful look at their employment rolls to avoid this turbulence.

The same can be said for trends in class action suits that target large groups of employees to pursue claims for unpaid overtime or unfair labor practices as outlined in the Fair Labor Standards Act. Employers, for example, that incentivize employees with bonuses based on production must also demonstrate compliance with any overtime owed to meet those production goals.

Manufacturers can receive incentives for hiring veterans or other special worker classes, but they must be careful when hiring these workers if reductions in force are required later. They don’t want to be perceived as manipulating the system, keeping employees only until requirements are satisfied.

On the benefits side, some larger manufacturers are setting up captive entities to self-insure the operation and/or employees — essentially paying premiums to their captive entity rather than to a third-party payer. If income is steady at $5 million to $6 million a year, a captive can provide another tool for owners as they plan for succession and retirement.

If you have any questions about how to add operational efficiencies, reduce taxes or plan for transfer of ownership in your manufacturing operation this year, talk to the manufacturing team at Cornwell Jackson.

GJ HeadshotGary Jackson, CPA, is the lead tax partner in the Cornwell Jackson’s business succession practice. Gary has built businesses, managed them, developed leadership teams and sold divisions of his business, and he utilizes this real world practical experience in both managing Cornwell Jackson and in providing consulting services to management teams and business leaders across North Texas.


Posted on Jan 18, 2016

manufacturing audit, R&D credit, icdisc, manufacturing tax credits, manufacturing dallas, manufacturing employment

In the past year, manufacturing employment in the Dallas/Fort Worth area has dropped by 2 percent. This statistic alone seems negative, but the overall outlook for manufacturing is trending positive with increased focus on innovation, simplified supply chains, diversification into customer-focused services and creativity with materials performance and fuel sourcing. It’s still a challenging industry, but this real or perceived lull in growth is the perfect time to assess the structure and vision of your company. Strengthen the basics to be ready for what’s next.

Oil drives Texas. It’s no surprise that the manufacturers we talk to are concernedManufacturing Outlook
about the drop in oil and gas prices. Many of them are tied to the industry as suppliers, fabricators and general contractors. Still, other manufacturers that are dependent on freight and shipping costs are more than happy to see fuel prices drop.

Then we have the valuation of the dollar against foreign currencies that affects trade. Manufacturers trying to compete against materials and products shipped cheaply from other countries must look for efficiencies besides price reduction. China’s economic slowdown does not seem to have helped the cause of U.S. based manufacturing, with weak performance reported around the world.

Although the Dallas/Fort Worth area outpaced many other states in overall economic growth in 2015, rather flat manufacturing performance did not help the cause. This fact was predictably offset by positive gains in hospitality, business and professional services, utilities and transportation, according to an economic update by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Flat growth is not the final word. A pause in business is sometimes the perfect opportunity to review the vision, business model, processes and procedures, technology and other foundational contributors to growth. Let’s take a look at the current state of manufacturing and what manufacturers should focus on this year to prepare for the next wave of growth. If you clean house now and invest in the foundation of your business, you will be in a better position to seize opportunities when growth resumes.

Manufacturing Now

Manufacturing in developing countries continues to provide a path to rising incomes and living standards. In advanced economies, it is a source of innovation and competitive strength for exports and productivity. When the Recession hit the industry hard, employment fell with it, delaying the demand for skilled labor.

Well, the demand for labor isn’t necessarily back to the fever pitch of pre-Recession times simply because manufacturers have looked for ways to offset labor with equipment and automation. Manufacturers that have invested in automation since 2010 have survived and even thrived. They are crediting the investment — along with the trend in the Internet of Things (IoT) — to help them efficiently monitor inventory and productivity. Automation has also helped them anticipate and head off problems on the line or in the supply chain — reducing outages and downtime.

In fact, U.S. manufacturers may spend more than $5 billion on new robotic orders by the end of 2016, according to the Freedonia Group. In turn, the demand for labor has shifted to the types of employees who are skilled at both hardware and software. Manufacturers investing in IoT units to reduce maintenance costs and risk of outages will be ahead of their competitors as that industry ramps up in the next five years.

A strong base of defense and aerospace firms in Texas does support this move to what some are calling “advanced manufacturing.” Leaders are calling for the state to continue to create policies and make investments in higher education to support advanced manufacturing infrastructure.

An article in the December 2015 Dallas Business Journal also noted that Dialexa, a consulting firm for technology start-ups, planned to expand its hardware lab, which includes the company’s electrical engineering, embedded software, mechanical design, 3D printing and electrical assembly research and development. This is one example of a company working in emerging technologies that will incubate new types of manufacturing in the Dallas/Fort Worth region.

Manufacturing At Your Service

Another interesting shift in the industry is the expansion of services offered by manufacturers. Rather than strict product manufacturing, some industries employ half of their workforce in non-production roles. This includes R&D engineers, logistics staff and after-sales support and maintenance services. A report from the McKinsey Global Institute predicts that the role of manufacturing in advanced economies leans toward innovation, productivity and trade more than growth and employment. These advanced manufacturers also consume and provide more services than manufacturing facilities in developing countries.

A survey by Grant Thornton on technology trends found that the majority of more than 300 manufacturers surveyed in the U.S. believed that new technologies would bring new opportunities. The top five technologies cited were: robotics, advanced materials, IoT (sensors, interconnected machinery), 3D printing and big data (analytics).

The use of real-time data and analytics, for example, allows manufacturers to run more “what if” testing, according to the report. It can reduce risk and materials costs while improving quality and accelerating new product development.

What is holding back many manufacturers from taking the leap into all of these new technologies?  The biggest reason cited in the Grant Thornton report was economic uncertainty, followed by the perceived risks of adopting technology that isn’t completely proven.

Manufacturers are entrepreneurial, but when it comes to capital outlay they’ve learned to be cautious. Still, a move toward diversification seems to be a natural evolution. Manufacturing can now encompass proprietary customer designs, production and implementation and also after-care services. This diversification is already paying dividends for the job shops whose saavy owners realized the potential for value-added services. More services per customer leads to more loyalty and profit.

If you have any questions about how to add operational efficiencies, reduce taxes or plan for transfer of ownership in your manufacturing operation this year, talk to the manufacturing team at Cornwell Jackson.

GJ HeadshotGary Jackson, CPA, is the lead tax partner in the Cornwell Jackson’s business succession practice. Gary has built businesses, managed them, developed leadership teams and sold divisions of his business, and he utilizes this real world practical experience in both managing Cornwell Jackson and in providing consulting services to management teams and business leaders across North Texas.